We intended to provide a route to publication for high quality academic work on autism by students at higher education establishments that would add to the sum of knowledge on autism and be of practical benefit to the autism community. All articles submitted would be peer reviewed by two autism specialists including one autistic reviewer. Articles submitted by a student (or based on work undertaken whilst the author was a student) were to be sponsored by the author’s tutor/supervisor/director of studies who would work with their student prior to initial submission and in response to reviewer feedback.

Unfortunately, due to lack of support this journal has been discontinued. We are delighted that 'Autonomy: The Critical Journal of Interdisciplinary Autism Studies (CJIAS)' has taken over publication of three of the four articles in the first (and only) edition of Autism Policy & Practice. The other article has also been accepted for publication in CJIAS.

We wish to thank Larry Arnold of CJIAS for ensuring that the articles formerly in the first edition of Autism Policy & Practice will remain available online.

Published: 2014-08-20

Full Issue